
Hello, Welcome and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all! I hope this year is full of happiness and success for you all. It’s the 1st of January 2023. I thank God what a blessed year 2022 was for me and my family.

Let me introduce myself – I’m Cheral and I’m the eldest of my siblings and a first time mum in my late 20s living and working in London. My beautiful daughter was born in March last year and everyday I’m learning something new about my child and being a mother.

The main inspiration for this blog was to share some of my experiences to be of help to any expecting or new mums. As common as it is to have a baby, everything was so new and there’s so much I didn’t know. I did a lot of research during my pregnancy and through the newborn stage so a blog like this would’ve been helpful for me.

Another milestone of last year was getting on the property ladder. Something my sister wants to do and in trying to help her, I’ll also share some tips on here about how I went about saving for a deposit. I’m no expert nor a financial advisor, only here to give my advice and share what helped me. Hopefully some of my tips will help you too.

There’s no one size fits all, sometimes it takes trial and error to find what works for you. That’s true not only for parenthood but everything. I hope you find some of my posts helpful, we can all learn new things from each other.

So that’s all for now, I hope you feel you know a bit more about me and the blog. Until next time wishing you all the best and stay blessed

The Sister Mama,
